Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Moving on up~

Much has happened in the past 2 years alone:

our house burned down in the Paradise Fire on Nov 8th 2018,

we moved into a small one bedroom apartment on Dec 4th 2018 (my husband, me and our 2 children),

we enrolled the kids in school for the first time (we had been homeschooling them their whole life until this point),

and I was employed and working again while my husband was not, due to PTSD and depression.

And that's just 2018-2019~

At the start of 2020, we went through a rough patch and almost got a divorce, we separated for almost 2 weeks and then finally came to our senses and have had a very healthy and supportive relationship (which is what had been missing for so long)

In February we found out that we are expecting our third child~

And in March during spring break week we went into self quarantine~

Here we are near the end of May and we are still sheltering in place, however as always things continue to shift and change.

My husband now has a job and is off medication for depression,  we have been homeschooling again with the continued help of the school since they were unable to reopen after the quarantine went into effect, and we have finally found a suitable apartment with enough space for our growing family in a nice part of town. {This one in particular has been a long time coming!}

I am constantly amazed at the opportunities and abundance that the Universe has to offer, if you only have the energy to give to it and trust that the Universe really does have your back~😉

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Samantha w/ Chocolate Croissant
Whew...... just got over about three weeks of an in-operational vehicle, and apparently it affected me more than I thought.  The prospect of not really being able to leave the house unless someone else drives me somewhere is not something that I have had to deal with in a while.

 It was a bit more stressful than even I realized, until now that is; now that the car is fixed and I'm excitedly planning where I would like to go, whom I would like to see and where shall I take the kids~

Over these past few weeks my mini melt-downs or loss of patience as they were have been a focal point of my meditation and self-evaluation time.

I have taken comfort in one of my favourite books every chance I get to sit down and read a few pages, it has given me the encouragement I have needed, as well as patient acceptance of myself.  (Also I would not have made it were it not for my amazing loving friend)

Currently I am focusing on Impermanence, and how this relates to my life and permeates it's entire existence.   I am also working on calming myself in a more productive manner for myself and the children;  writing notes on my hands these past few days has helped to remind me, if not given me something to discuss with my son~ ^_^

Todays' notes to myself:


Monday, April 8, 2013

When did this happen?

It has been such a long time since my last update that I now have two children, and my youngest is almost a year old!!!  @.@   I find it amazing, the amount of time I used to spend on the computer non-stop;  compared to how much time I manage to find for it now ^_^.

Writing being one thing that I would like to do on a continual basis. (However when you consider I've been spending ALL my time with my two beautiful children it is hard to feel bad about it.)  Now that Samantha is older and becoming more and more self-reliant each day, I am slowly finding more time for myself; which is something I believe was seriously lacking in my life for the past nine months.

Jonas is almost 4 years old and speaking English exceptionally well (he sings his ABC's almost perfectly) I find myself trying to teach him more and more everyday, and hoping to become better organized so as to keep track of his progress and fun activities that we can explore and share together. Keeping a catalogue of what works best, what we enjoyed the most and so on would be very helpful in tracking his home education as well.

Not to mention Samantha is growing up very fast;  she can already use sign language with us, and although she only knows a few signs she is still able to get her point across.  Now I am twice as motivated to get on top of things and start narrowing down some different approaches and options for they're daily learning.  The hardest part at the moment is sifting through everything that I like and want to try (also whether or not I actually have the materials required), and making it enjoyable for both of them at what level they each happen to be at.

No matter how structured or chaotic our day is, in the end just spending some good quality time getting to know my children deeper each day is healthy learning on all our parts;  seeing them for who they are right now today in this moment, and acknowledging this person they are before it passes and they become some one new again.  These precious moments of they're lives will be with me forever, and I hope with them as well.

{ Today my beautiful children are sharing afternoon nap-time together in the same room}

(coincidentally this picture is from the other day at Aunt Francie's house,  he just had to wear his cousins' headband ^_^)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

little reader in training

Our wonderful little man sitting in the rocker trying to read an upside down book, he's super awesome~

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Daylight Savings

Hooray for fall back and the extra hour it gives us this evening, thus allowing me to hang out on-line (which almost never gets to happen) and be guilt free about it!~ <3
I love being a mom ^_^

Friday, March 13, 2009

Morning Sickness SUCKS!!! >.<.

I do have to say that purchasing the "what to expect when expecting" book has helped me out a lot and answered many of my questions, however the book is written to cover every possible scenario and seems like it's written more for the crazy-worried mother to be. It's starting to make me feel like I'm not worrying enough @.@....

My boobs?..... HUGE!!! (@)(@) I can't even wear my bras anymore cause they hurt me and make me feel kinda queazy -_-.....my husband on the other-hand is loving them (figures >.<)

As for the morning sickness, I've pretty much got it under control; the trick is not to let myself become hungry cause then I just get hungrier faster and then I feel sick and eating doesn't do me any good. My friend down in SoCal Carla sent me the most awesome care package full of baby clothes, diapers, pampered products for every stage of my pregnancy and especially most awesome (right now at least) are the Preggi Pop Drops. They're little suckers that come in three different flavours and they really do settle your stomach down in the morning while giving your mouth something to do; and they get me by well enough so that I can at least get up and get something real to eat! A real life saver some mornings ^_^ However some mornings it doesn't matter what I do and I just feel like crap for half the day....-_-..bleh.....

All in all we're both doing well, I still haven't been in to see a medical professional (we're still looking for a midwife) but I've found out that I'm just about to start my 3rd month and that my estimated due date is October 21st.
I'll post some pics as soon as there's something to see ^_^

~ja ne <3

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Adding to the Family~

More info to come soon, but as for a quick update:
we just found out this last Saturday the 21st, I'm only about 3 weeks into the pregnancy and we have not been to a doctor yet; we're gonna start shopping around for pre-natal vitamins and as for a baby-shower it's way in the future... I hope @_@!!!

laters~ ^_^

Friday, January 30, 2009

This post is for Greg!~

But my husband and I are doing well in Washington, we love it here, and even though we moved here from California we still had a very nice and warm summer. We're hunkering down and getting ready for the cold winter that's going to dump tons of snow on us; which will be good cause we'll be working up at Hurricane Ridge running the snack-bar, gift shop, and ski and snowshoe rental!


We've been working up at the Ridge since just before Christmas and it's a blast to be at the top of a gorgeous mountain covered with snow only to have the view of the Olympic mountains covered in snow! ^_^

And I've been hired on by my current employers to be full time instead of just part time on the weekends up at the ridge. (sweet^-^) So I get to work two days at the freezing cold beautiful ridge and then the other three days workin outside at Lake Crescent Lodge getting everything ready for when we open back up in the summer. Plus I get to work with Steven 5 days a week just in different departments (so we never get tired of each other and we get to commute to work together).

That's it for now, been without internet at our house for the past three months so it's a bit difficult to keep updated, but I'm gonna try to let everyone know that we haven't frozen to death in the Pacific Northwest and that we're well and good.

(plus I'm dying to scan more pics and share them >.< I'm just kinda missing the whole scanner part ^_^)


Friday, May 2, 2008

What I'm Thankful For~

While tooling around this morning trying to figure out what to write about, it hit me that I read nothing but depressing news all day long. So I've decided to take a break from the norm of complaining about things that bother me, and would like to share with everyone the things I am thankful for in my life right now.

My husband - who loves me no matter what, even though I know I drive him crazy. He looks after me, and cooks amazing mind blowing meals on a regular basis even though I'm lazy and don't want to do the dishes afterwards.

My friends - Though I contact them quite infrequently and irregularly they still haven't kicked me to the curb and write me back on occasion. And even help me with my problems when I find the time to post whiny rants~ thanks guys, I really appreciate the loyal support ^_^

hm.... there's quite a bit more that I'm thankful for so this should take more than one post!~

Friday, April 18, 2008

Aikido on Sat. Bitches!~

I do have to say that I am very excited about learning Aikido. I'm not looking forward to being sore all the time, but I am looking forward to gaining some strength as well as discipline. Not to mention the Sensei (Aikido instructor) totally rawks!!! ^0^

Not only is he a great teacher, but I agree with his philosophies about the art as well. He's always talking about restraint, and diffusing the situation without hurting anybody, everyone goes home in one piece kinda stuff.

I haven't attended a class yet myself, however I sat in on the last one on last Saturday and had to resist from hopping onto the mat and asking him questions. It was difficult not to want to get involved with his teachings, he's very impowering and charismatic. Here's hoping I make it home without much injury~ ^_^
