While tooling around this morning trying to figure out what to write about, it hit me that I read nothing but depressing news all day long. So I've decided to take a break from the norm of complaining about things that bother me, and would like to share with everyone the things I am thankful for in my life right now.
My husband - who loves me no matter what, even though I know I drive him crazy. He looks after me, and cooks amazing mind blowing meals on a regular basis even though I'm lazy and don't want to do the dishes afterwards.
My friends - Though I contact them quite infrequently and irregularly they still haven't kicked me to the curb and write me back on occasion. And even help me with my problems when I find the time to post whiny rants~ thanks guys, I really appreciate the loyal support ^_^
hm.... there's quite a bit more that I'm thankful for so this should take more than one post!~
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