Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Ever since Christmas any type of regular schedule has been impossible >.< And is it just me, or did Christmas seem to last the whole month of December?!!

(yes... thank you local radio station for incessantly playing the same 6 Christmas songs in 5 different versions throughout the entire month of December.)

After working two irregular work weeks thanks to Christmas and New Year's both being on a Tuesday this year, (I also called in to work sick on Thursday Jan 3rd) and then after only having been at work for 1/2 an hour on Friday, a huge wind-storm blew through town and knocked our power out for a day and a half.

I realized then just how few candles we really did have.

Honestly the whole situation shouldn't have been blown out of proportion the way it was, the way people were acting you'd think a little wind and rain were the end of the world! ("Oh no! It's not a beautiful sunny 70 degrees today..... it must be the APOCALYPSE!!! >.< ")

Anywhoo, after driving around for 30 minutes or so trying to find a gas station with power(we were super low on gas), we happened upon one of the three working gas stations in the city. A fight was about to break out at the pumps, so we ended up driving over to my Boss' house (they had power) and hung out there waiting for things to die down.

We ended up just walking over to the gas station from Tim's house with some borrowed gas jugs of his (he lived pretty close). Amazingly enough we just walked right up to an empty pump since everyone that was in a car was blocking one entrance or another.

The walk back to Tim's house was peaceful enough, and we took the time to look around and see just how much damage the storm had caused. (Sadly quite a few trees no longer reside with us here in Chico anymore -_-)

We had an amazing dinner that night even though most of the city was without power. (Small plug for Sierra Nevada Brewery Taproom & Restaurant~* check out their sustaining our environment page http://www.sierranevada.com/environment.html it's animated! @.@)

The night ended well for the two of us considering we still had heat without power (thank you gas), and the evening passed on while we played cards by candle light drinking Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. (quite romantic actually, been a long time for the two of us ^_^)

All in all we were quite happy when the power returned later on the next day, mad that we had to throw so much food out (>.< grrrrr....), and slightly sad to see the candles go. We need to seriously work on foods that are storable and require no refrigeration for any future power outages, as well as re-supply our horde of candles.

Hell-of-a-way to bring in the new year! ^_^

Happy New Year Y'all!~ and may you be warm and full of tasty treats ^-^

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