I often forget how nice it is to be completely (as much as possible -_-) organized! The last few weeks at work have been one big haze for the most part, all blurring together.
Ever since I got my butt in gear and everything is organized, I find myself with so much time left over! And you know what I get to do with all that left over time?... All the things I've been wanting to do! >.<
Ever since I made it one of my goals to bake something at least once a week, I've kept it up and even amazed myself at what I've been able to put together.
And for the first time in a long while, I have a new book! I'm excited to see how it turns out.
As far as updates in my health or my quest for sustainability:
I've been recycling about 1/2 of our garbage (which is nice, cause then the garbage can doesn't fill up as fast), and I've been striving to use less water when washing the dishes and take shorter showers (we do not have a dish washer, I do it all by hand >.<). Sadly I'm notorious for taking really long showers, but I've been trying my hardest to cut back; I dunno what it is about the shower that just relaxes me and puts me in a state of thought, I easily lose track of time when in the shower.
And for my health, well.... we ran out of enerfood for about 3-4 days there, and then our next one showed up and we're back into our daily routine. I've been wanting to exercise more too but just haven't found the time for it yet; I'm planning on whipping out DDR this weekend and getting a good workout on it.
And as soon as the weather starts to get nice again in early Spring, I'd like to start riding my bicycle to and from work. I remember how much I used to love riding around Portland, and I miss the energy it gave me (not to mention the strong legs! ^0^)
Heres' to another week of health and wellness~ (striving to attain in any case ^_^)