(Click on the title for a link to enerfood)
Alright, ever since I decided to start a blog detailing my travels through healthy eating, and less waste-full consumerism; it seems that my health has been put on the sidelines for the moment.
For the past 2 months or so my fiance and I have been using a product called "Enerfood", its a powder that you mix into your juice or make a smoothie with, and let me tell you..... it has done wonders for us. It is vegetarian and vegan friendly and packed full of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that not only give you daily nutrition, but also helps to draw heavy metals, toxins, and chemicals gently out of your body.
I've noticed a great decrease in the amount of food we currently consume because of the fact that we replace breakfast once a day with a nice healthy dose of enerfood. We have both noticed a loss in fat on our bodies (Steven dropped 10 pounds!), and it has helped us to stay on a pretty regular (digestion) schedule as well. Not to mention it has helped us kick the habit of fast food and heavily processed foods; being healthy for the first time now, our bodies react drastically to harmful products.
Honestly we've never been healthier, until now......... It has been a solid two weeks since I placed my order of enerfood and yet it is still nowhere to be found -_-. *sniff*
I feel like a kid waiting for the mail-man to bring me the prize I sent for, or that de-coder ring I've eagerly been waiting for, except that the mail I'm waiting for actually plays a huge roll in my health! ^_^
We've definately noticed a decline in our well-being this last enerfood-free week, we've been a lot more snappy at each other, as well as my headaches have come back.
I sure do miss my enerfood...... come back to meeee! >.<
*Update: as of 12:37pm this very day I received a call from none other than Enerfood itself! (well, a rep at least ^_^) Turns out my order never made it to the warehouse database for some reason, and the shipping manager called me personally to apologize profusely, and to alert me that my order will be arriving within the next two days (express shipped!!!) I was starting to lose faith, but I'm so happy these people are amazingly awesome!
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