This entire week Steven and I have been riding to work together since the weather has been very wet, and I am unable (unwilling) to ride my scooter to work in the rain. Therefore, the fact that I do not have a vehicle to cart myself back home for lunch with, has forced me to take my lunch to work with me!
Yay me! ^_^
It's not like I eat out everyday, on the contrary; I usually go home, do the dishes, clean the house up, hang out with the cats, and enjoy a nice sunny afternoon at home before I have to go back to work. However, taking lunch to work with me is prolly saving me about 1/2 a tank of gas too.
And even though we've been sharing the car, I think we've been using more gas than when we each took our respective vehicles! He drops me off on his way to work in the morning, and then gets home before I do, so then he comes all the way back to pick me up after I get off. Normally you'd think sharing a vehicle cuts the cost of gas, but I've noticed that he has gassed up the car 2 if not 3 times as much as usual since we've been sharing!!! @.@ (we did take into account the fact that we drove out of town for my office Christmas party, but still!)
It looks like we'll be back to our usual routine tomorrow, he takes the van, I take the scooter. It honestly sounds a lot more wasteful, however; it only takes me $5.00 to gas up my scooter every 2 weeks, and usually only costs him $30.00 - $35.00 every 2 weeks. (yea, he can get two weeks out of the van; when he's not driving my ass everywhere!)
Which reminds me, we need to get the van tuned up so that it is more fuel-efficient again, we've noticed the increase in gas consumption lately and I for one don't like it. >.<
On a happier note, I've been eating a nice healthy lunch everyday this week and didn't even have to leave work to get it! Plus, I've been drinking a lot more water since that's really all there is to drink here at work besides coffee :p
All in all things are going well and we are healthy, mostly in part to Enerfood!
Praise to the Enerfood~ ^0^