Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Samantha w/ Chocolate Croissant
Whew...... just got over about three weeks of an in-operational vehicle, and apparently it affected me more than I thought.  The prospect of not really being able to leave the house unless someone else drives me somewhere is not something that I have had to deal with in a while.

 It was a bit more stressful than even I realized, until now that is; now that the car is fixed and I'm excitedly planning where I would like to go, whom I would like to see and where shall I take the kids~

Over these past few weeks my mini melt-downs or loss of patience as they were have been a focal point of my meditation and self-evaluation time.

I have taken comfort in one of my favourite books every chance I get to sit down and read a few pages, it has given me the encouragement I have needed, as well as patient acceptance of myself.  (Also I would not have made it were it not for my amazing loving friend)

Currently I am focusing on Impermanence, and how this relates to my life and permeates it's entire existence.   I am also working on calming myself in a more productive manner for myself and the children;  writing notes on my hands these past few days has helped to remind me, if not given me something to discuss with my son~ ^_^

Todays' notes to myself:
