It has been such a long time since my last update that I now have two children, and my youngest is almost a year old!!! @.@ I find it amazing, the amount of time I used to spend on the computer non-stop; compared to how much time I manage to find for it now ^_^.
Writing being one thing that I would like to do on a continual basis. (However when you consider I've been spending ALL my time with my two beautiful children it is hard to feel bad about it.) Now that Samantha is older and becoming more and more self-reliant each day, I am slowly finding more time for myself; which is something I believe was seriously lacking in my life for the past nine months.
Jonas is almost 4 years old and speaking English exceptionally well (he sings his ABC's almost perfectly) I find myself trying to teach him more and more everyday, and hoping to become better organized so as to keep track of his progress and fun activities that we can explore and share together. Keeping a catalogue of what works best, what we enjoyed the most and so on would be very helpful in tracking his home education as well.
Not to mention Samantha is growing up very fast; she can already use sign language with us, and although she only knows a few signs she is still able to get her point across. Now I am twice as motivated to get on top of things and start narrowing down some different approaches and options for they're daily learning. The hardest part at the moment is sifting through everything that I like and want to try (also whether or not I actually have the materials required), and making it enjoyable for both of them at what level they each happen to be at.
No matter how structured or chaotic our day is, in the end just spending some good quality time getting to know my children deeper each day is healthy learning on all our parts; seeing them for who they are right now today in this moment, and acknowledging this person they are before it passes and they become some one new again. These precious moments of they're lives will be with me forever, and I hope with them as well.
{ Today my beautiful children are sharing afternoon nap-time together in the same room}
(coincidentally this picture is from the other day at Aunt Francie's house, he just had to wear his cousins' headband ^_^)